Channel Type – Metaverse

19 ☛Find New Customers In The Metaverse

Most of the population exploring and experiencing various worlds in the metaverse are kids. Strange thing about kids, they get older every year, and one day they will be old enough to drive and buy a car. Vehicle makers are thinking ahead by creating experiences for young people


Channel 29 / CONSIDERATION / Metaverse

About Channel 29 Having presence anywhere in the Metaverse shows that you are on the cutting edge of technology, and that being out and ahead of everyone is a part of your brand story.  Having an interactive way for potential customers to engage with your brand, products, and services before


Channel 39 / DECISION / PURCHASE | Metaverse

About Channel 39 Most digital worlds offer in-game upgrades such as stronger armor or a more deadly sword.  This is not what I am highlighting, however, in Channel 39.  Many of these worlds allow third parties to build branded experiences and to sell digital products using a currency that is


Channel 49 / VALIDATION / Metaverse

About Channel 49 The jury is still out as to how virtual worlds will or will not become a part of our everyday lives or entertainment.  Currently half of the people in the Metaverse are under the age of 18.  What this means is that if a brand has decided


Channel 59 / PROMOTE / Metaverse

About Channel 59 A literal explosion of virtual gaming that allows you to play live with complete strangers has changed the way that a large part of the population of young people, especially boys, make friends and spend their time.   The individual games, of course, use “invites” to turn their