Vault Access

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Be the marketing expert your business needs.

Gain access to all BASE3 resurces


Your Subscription Includes:

Your $29 monthly subscription to the BASE 3 Vault includes these powerful resources and training:

  • Access to the full channel touchpoint list and case studies
  • Free entry to monthly live group brainstorming sessions
  • Architecture for the most common campaigns

Resources Included:

  • FREE digital copy of the best selling book “Digital Blitz”
  • FREE download of exercises presented in “Digital Blitz”
  • The BASE 3 Digital Playbook Template 
  • Campaign Explainer Videos
  • Recommended reading & tools
  • Ongoing digital strategy updates

Cancel at any time. 

You can cancel at any time. Your subscription will not renew at the next billing period.  



Discover how ads, search & social work to grow your business

Guide Your Customer’s Decision Making Process


Search engines and social media platforms operate based on the way humans make decisions.  In the BASE 3 Sessions, we integrate their methodology into a marketing and content strategy that will grow your business.