Channel 56 / PROMOTE / Events Live & Virtual

About Channel 56

Holding events for customers and partners in which they can bring others will strengthen your brand, and increase the size of your loyal community.


Channel 56 Superstar:  Girls Who Code
girlswhocode.comFounder:  Reshma Saujani

Overview:  Girls Who Code is an organization that teaches young girls how to code.

You may know, if you recall my earlier story about falling in love with coding at a young age, when computers were just being brought into schools.  You may also recall my mentioning of the significant pressure I received to become a secretary or go into marketing (which at that time was just mocking up newspaper ads).  No one could imagine a girl going into a STEM career.  You can imagine then, how passionate I am about teaching girls to code from a young age, thus launching them into a career that is intellectually challenging and stimulating.

The Girls Who Code model includes the creation of local chapters who host free events and courses for girls and kids who identify as girls.  

In addition, they host incredible virtual events such as collaborations, live coding events, digital marches, and showcases. 

The language around the events, clubs, and programs, emphasizes the value of community, and of creating a supportive environment around the girls.  On their website they state, “We partner with school districts, library networks and afterschool programs to launch Clubs in communities across the country”.

By appealing to people like me, who want to see more girls taking on these valuable careers, they are using their events and success stories to encourage me and others to continue to promote and share the incredible value that they bring to girls who see themselves with a future in technology.