Channel 53 / PROMOTE / Video Apps

About Channel 53

Videos have completely taken over much of the content that is shared on social media platforms.  When you create videos that either make your clients or customers look really good or smart, they will want to share them.    Additionally, publishing video after an event is also a powerful way to provide content for every attendee, vendor, promoter, and participant to share on their social platforms.  It is worthwhile to create videos that are professionally produced for this purpose.


Channel 43 Superstar: Anna Zhilyaeva – Virtual Reality Artist  Anna Zhilyaeva

Overview:  Anna creates 3D virtual reality paintings live at events in front of huge audiences

Anna is pushing the boundaries of art, performance, and technology.  Picture her standing on a stage wearing virtual reality goggles, and waving her hands around.  Above her or all around her is the projection of what she is doing in virtual reality.  She works with a Google tool called Tilt Brush, a virtual palette that allows her to choose colors and textures.  She can use both hands to turn her creation around, zoom way in, or zoom way out.