Channel 47 / VALIDATION / Partners

About Channel 47

There may be instances where your partners will assist in sharing news and special offers.  However, you may not want them to be creating and maintaining your relationship with your clients.  You want to be sure that relationship belongs to you, and you alone.


Channel 47 Superstar:  The World’s 50 Best Restaurants

Founder:  William Reed Agency

Overview:  The World’s 50 Best Restaurants selects 50 restaurants each year to award with a position on their list.

The year I wrote this book, I received no less than four emails from different organizations announcing the release of the list.  Curious, I dug a little deeper.  No where on the website could I find a place to sign up for newsletters or news.  I went to the press section and found that there are press releases in a dozen or so languages.  It became apparent that they rely completely on their partners for promotion, as well as their social media.

So who are their partners?

Each year, a selected group of foodies scours the world for new and interesting restaurants to reward with a position on the “Best Restaurants” list.  There is actually a “Top 100” list, and then each region in the world has a “Top 50”.  In their model, the restaurants being awarded are the partners.  It is an honor to be on the list, as it is a genuine award (not paid).  Each has their own audience, and when you multiply hundreds of restaurants times tens of thousands of followers, that is far more traffic one could get from a simple email list.