Channel 45 / VALIDATION / Paid Ads & SWAG

About Channel 45

Because you already have multiple communication channels that you can use to reach your customers, you do not need to invest in ads for already existing customers.  You may wish to have a retargeting ad that is being shown to an upload of your email list, with a message that thanks them for being your customer or for choosing you and inviting them to come back to visit your website.  Below is an example of a retargeting ad.  I visited the Newbella website, and later on CNN was shown the below ad.


See what ads other businesses are running!  Did you know that both Facebook and Google have a transparency tool that allows you to look up and view the ads that any business is running?

View The Google Transparency Tool

View The Facebook Transparency Tool


Channel 45 Superstar:  Flamingo

Overview:  An online store selling trendy fast-fashion clothing.

I live in an area where there are not cool shoe stores.  The stores here tend to have conservative, and what I would say, very boring shoes.  Just for fun, one day on Facebook I tested out the algorithm by posting, “I would like to find some really cool shoes to buy”.  It took just a few days before I started seeing ads for chunky shoes, which is the kind of shoe that I like.  I also started seeing ads for shoes that are edgy, and the above ad example is a result of me clicking on one of those to visit the website of one of the shops.

Not long after, I started seeing ads for the Flamingo shop.  My dress style is part 70’s child, part punk-rock, part Donna Karan pant-suit.  For obvious reasons, it is hard for me to find clothes that I like.  The Facebook algorithm, however, figured this out.  Based on my interest in the ads they were sending me, I started to see very cool, edgy yet soft shirts, outfits, and shoe ads on my Facebook feed.  It amazed me how I would see an ad for very cool pants by Flamingo, and when I clicked on it and went exploring on their website, I saw that there were also MANY different styles of pants that they sold that I would never wear…and they knew that.  They were specifically showing me pants that the algorithm knew I would like.  Did I order pants?  Yes, I certainly did!  And that purchase triggered the algorithm to start to send me ads for other shops with outfits that I absolutely love.  

It is important to know that when a customer purchases from you, they are immediately categorized as also being a potential customer to your competitors.