Channel 35 / DECISION / Paid Ads

About Channel 35

If you are set up properly, by the time a potential customer is ready to make a decision, they likely will have engaged with you at some point, whether it be on a social profile, your website, or via a form or email.  There are three types of ads that are valuable at this level, which you can use send people directly to your sales or product page.  

The first is an ad that is shown to people that the algorithm has deemed are ready to buy.  

The second is an ad that is shown to all people who have engaged with you on what ever platform is hosting the ad.

The third is a “Retargeting” ad, which is shown to people who have been to your website.

Retargeting ads have the highest ROI, and are a good opportunity to reach your audience across other platforms where they have not engaged with you.  Minimizing the creepiness of ads following your customer around is important, and you can do this using a message that is inviting and welcoming.

What makes a retargeting ad possible is that there are tags or pixels installed on the back-end of your website that track which users have visited your website.  As mentioned in the earlier chapter, “How Algorithms Know Where You Are On The Journey”, there are many platforms that have their own pixel.  You can work with your developer to ensure that they are installed.  That includes Google Analtyics, LinkedIn, Facebook (Meta), HubSpot, and others.


See what ads other businesses are running!  Did you know that both Facebook and Google have a transparency tool that allows you to look up and view the ads that any business is running?

View The Google Transparency Tool

View The Facebook Transparency Tool


Channel 35 Superstar:

Founder:  Aleric Heck

Overview:  AdOutreach is a consulting service that creates retargeting ad campaigns for their clients.

My favorite retargeting ad superstar is Aleric Heck, the adorable founder of  He has mastered the art of retargeting.  If you have seen him once, you will see him everywhere.  Go ahead and visit his site!  You can experience what I am talking about.  He has all of the above pixels that I have mentioned installed on his site, and is running retargeting ads on all of those platforms.