Channel 23 / CONSIDERATION / Video Apps

Professionally Produced Video:  As mentioned above, professional video can be costly, so reserving its use for customers closer to making a decision is recommended so that you maximize your ROI.  The Consideration level is an excellent place to start.  Because you are going to use the appropriate script, hashtags and keywords accompanying your videos, they will be strategically matched up those people who are likely within your target audience.  If you are showing them professionally made video that educates them and establishes you as an expert who values quality and craftsmanship, you will be memorable, and the viewer may follow you, or look more closely at what you have to offer, thus creating a ping of engagement in your data that will allow you to serve them a retargeting ad.

Home Filmed Video:  By posting video on various platforms that you have produced yourself, you can show your authenticity, your expertise, and the knowledge that you have through experience.


Channel 23 Superstar:  J & B Whiskey

Founded in 1749 in London

Overview:  J & B Whisky is a wine and spirits manufacturer.

Who could imagine that a three hundred year old company could wield social media in such a powerful way?  In the holiday season of 2022, J & B released a video ad that just wrecked us.  Gathering with family can be incredibly stressful, especially for those who have found their lives have taken a path that not everyone accepts.  The possibility of being rejected by the people you love the most is very real.  

Like what happened with Thinx, this ad became news.  It went wildly viral.  People who may have walked by J & B bottles on the store shelf hundreds of times suddenly associated the brand with a powerful message of love.