19 ☛Find New Customers In The Metaverse

About Channel 19

We consider that there is just ONE Metaverse, which includes all virtual worlds and games. The term “Metaverse” was coined in one of my favorite books, “Snowcrash” written by Neal Stephenson in which a virtual world accessed through goggles was an escape from the economic collapse.  The term went mainstream when Facebook changed its name to Meta in 2021.

There are three main categories of content within the “Metaverse”. 

  1. There is the flat screen variation, where games and worlds are accessed on the standard computer, TV, or mobile phone screen.
  2. There is “Augmented Reality” which is also accessed typically on a mobile phone, but is an overlay of some sort of world over reality, which is either a map or what you are seeing through your camera, and
  3. VR – Virtual Reality – Where you are wearing a head set, and experience complete immersion in a 3D world.

Having brand presence inside of a virtual experience can be subtle, such as having an ad on a virtual billboard, or it can be expansive, with the creation of an entire world around your brand.  At the writing of this book, 80% of users of Metaverse experiences are under the age of 18.  For this reason, unless your target market is within or near that age bracket, you may want to think carefully whether or not you will successfully gain new followers of your brand by investing in the Metaverse.


Channel 19 Superstar:  Hyundai
https://www.hyundaiusa.com/us/enFounder:  Chung Ju-Yung

Overview:Hyundai is an automobile manufacturer based in South Korea.

Hyundai has developed an experience on Roblox which is intended to introduce their brand of vehicles to young people who are not yet old enough to drive.  By creating an experience on the Roblox platform, they can reach a wide range of customers from around the world, and can begin to create trust and familiarity within a population that will soon be needing a car, and will likely need vehicles for the next 70 years of their lives.