The Cross-Functional Use of BASE3

Business Owners & Business Leaders

A tool that gives you the ability to set the course of your business

You want to set the course of your business.  You rely on marketing tactics to bring in clients.  However, navigating an ever changing landscape of digital marketing has made planning challenging.  

The BASE3 model uses three elements at its foundation that will not change.  Its logic and customer journey touchpoint driven architecture gives you the ability to visibly identify your customer’s journey, and to identify areas of opportunity, and those that need additional focus.

Benefits of BASE3 for Business Owners & Leaders:

  • A visual tool for assessing your digital presence
  • A model based on logic that will not change even if digital platforms do
  • Data points that measure customer journey success
  • A cross-functional model that can be used by marketing, sales, tech and product teams

Marketing Teams

A visual tool that demonstrates the strategy behind your recommendations

You understand your ideal customers well.  The success of your business relies on your ability to find those customers.  However, with so many moving parts, it is challenging to show the strategy behind your tactics.  Identifying data that shows the positive results of your work is also challenging, and your technical partners speak a completely different language. 

The BASE3 model provides a visual tool that can be understood by all of your partner stakeholders, and identifies data resulting from your marketing strategy.  

Benefits of BASE3 for Marketing Teams:

  • A visual representation of your marketing tactics
  • Data points along the customer’s entire journey
  • Clarity in the role of marketer vs. sales rep
  • A common language that can be used for discussion and production in cross-functional teams

Sales Reps

A customer funnel driver that brings in solid leads for repeat or exponential sales.

As a sales rep, you can sell if the leads you receive are high quality.  However, often the sales funnel delivers too many leads that will never convert.  

The BASE3 model uses customer centered touchpoints that ensure the leads that come to you have first performed an action that shows an intent to purchase.

Benefits of BASE3 for Sales Reps:

  • A focus on customer advocacy for repeat and exponential sales
  • Analytics for pre and post-sale engagement
  • A big-picture overview so you can contribute customer knowledge to marketing strategies

Technology Professionals

A planning tool that enables cross-functional collaboration

As a technical professional, you want to build systems that perform the desired functions, and work seamlessly.  However, often you are not included in planning and strategy decisions, and as a result are given requirements often without context, and sometimes that are simply not possible.

The BASE3 model uses logic, and all marketing or customer journey focused tactics created with the model will have a data flow that can be supported.

Benefits of BASE3 for Technical Professionals:

  • A communication tool that brings you into business strategy discussions
  • A cross-functional language that can be understood by all stakeholders
  • A visual representation of marketing tactics that gives you the ability to make recommendations and build with a bigger picture overview
  • A numerical system that can be used for cross-functional production teams