BASE3 Training For CEOs & Business Managers

You want to set a course for your business

Many CEOs and business owners are frustrated that marketing is opaque and constantly changing, which can prevent them from setting a predictable course for their business.

The BASE3 model brings logic and structure to marketing plus a language that enables constructive collaboration between leadership, marketing, sales, product and technology teams.

Wednesday Lecture Series

Make informed marketing decisions

Attend a 50 minute training session designed for CEOs and business owners.

In this lecture series for Business Managers we will discuss:

  • The numbers to ask for,
  • How to read the numbers so you can make informed marketing decisions, and
  • How to guide your marketing team.


You will know what data to ask your marketing partners for, and how to use that data to make decisions about future marketing initiatives that will grow your business.

How to use the chart for documentation and for collaborating with your team.


The Communication Channels are numbered so that each can be added to your documentation.  There will likely be many steps needed to complete each channel, and there may even be sub-sets of steps.

Each channel will have a set of production tasks that are needed for completion.

As you begin to use the chart frequently, you will find that you use some of the same channels often in campaigns, and you can create templates for the to-do lists. 

By sharing the visual diagram and organizing your campaigns in this way, all team members, whether it be tech, creative, or copywriting or management, they will understand how their work fits into the larger campaign.

Below is a simplified example of to-do items for Channel 10.