BASE3 For Marketing Professionals

How BASE3 will help stakeholders understand the strategy behind  your work.

Two big challenges digital marketers have are explaining to stakeholders the reasoning behind the work that they do, and identifying the data to support it.  This is because there has not been a standardized method for doing so.  BASE3 solves both of these.

The BASE3model ™  is represented by a visual chart called “The Periodic Table of Digital Marketing Elements.”  The elements on the chart create a structure around the customer’s decision-making process.  A channel grid on the chart makes it possible to map out the customer’s journey.  Each channel has a data point that can be reported.

By diagraming out a campaign visually, the stakeholders can see how the customer is guided along their journey from discovery to becoming a customer and then an advocate for the brand.  It is also then possible to understand what systems and technology need to be in place to support that journey and which data points to watch.

Wednesday Lecture Series

In this lecture series for Marketing Professionals we will cover:

  • How to map out and present a customer journey to stakeholders,
  • Which data points to watch and how to present them, and
  • How to collaborate with your technical partners.

How to use the chart for documentation and for collaborating with your team.

Use In Documentation

By sharing the visual diagram of a campaign with your team members, they will understand how their creative, writing, or technical work fits into the larger campaign.

The Communication Channels are numbered so that each can be added to your documentation.  

Each channel will have a set of production tasks that are needed for completion.

As you begin to use the chart frequently, you will find that you use some of the same channels often in campaigns, and you can create templates for the to-do lists. 

Below is a simplified example of to-do items for Channel 10, which is blog articles for customers in the early awareness level of their journey.